by Sue Bonzell | Apr 13, 2020 | So Sonoma County
I met up with Marrianne McBride from Council on Aging to talk about how the organization is still serving seniors during Covid-19. The Meals on Wheels Program is in full force and needs volunteers!
by Sue Bonzell | Apr 10, 2020 | So Sonoma County, Uncategorized
I met up with Andy Springer, lead pastor at Heartwood Church in Rohnert Park. They are doing virtual services online and Andy himself is personally helping local homeless. He discovered that he has the capability to make a difference and so can you!
by Sue Bonzell | Apr 8, 2020 | Food & Drink, So Sonoma County, Uncategorized
I met up with Brandon Mathies from Sonoma Brothers Distilling and Tara Jasper from Sipsong Spirits to see what they are up to during our Time of Covid. So many reasons to love alcohol! Find out if it pairs well with Lemon Cake!
by Sue Bonzell | Mar 22, 2020 | Food & Drink, Recipes, Uncategorized
The Perfect Cake? I am NOT a baker and making this Gluten Free Lemon Cake recipe cleared that right up! Clearly the image above was done by a pro, and you can scroll down to see what my cake actually looks like. I have to say, it is quite tasty even if it looks like a...
by Sue Bonzell | Mar 17, 2020 | Marketing, Uncategorized
Top 10 Ways to Pivot Your Business During Trying Times I’m just so sad to see our local businesses struggling right now. Since I work with lots of businesses who are needing to pivot a bit to stay afloat and get through this mess…here are my Top 10 Ways to...
by Sue Bonzell | Mar 16, 2020 | Entertainment, Healthy Living, Sue's Life, Uncategorized
Amidst all of the fear, worry and “not knowing” about what is really happening in the world, add in the worry about being home for several weeks with kids home from school. Want to know how to keep kids busy during the Coronavirus pandemic? How are you going to keep...
by Sue Bonzell | Feb 26, 2020 | Entertainment, Events, So Sonoma County
Help me support veterans at Dancing with the Stars and Stripes! I’m raising money for veterans! This year I am honored to be one of the stars in Dancing with the Stars and Stripes. I’ve been paired up with two amazing dance professionals who are teaching me a...
by Sue Bonzell | Feb 12, 2020 | Events, Marketing, So Sonoma County, Uncategorized
HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR EVENT FOR SUCCESS (and on a Budget!) I wrote this several years ago and it was posted on my real estate website. I still get inquiries about promoting events, so I figured I would share the info again. I hope this helps those putting on stunning...
by Sue Bonzell | Jan 17, 2020 | Food & Drink, So Sonoma County
WINE JUDGING AT THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE WINE COMPETITION HOW I BECAME A WINE JUDGE I love wine judging! Every year for the past eight years, I have been invited to be a judge at the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Many people wonder who I came to be a...
by Sue Bonzell | Jan 6, 2020 | Food & Drink
EASY DINNER FOR TWO Looking for an easy dinner for two that is tasty and healthy? What about being gluten free? This is your meal! A guy I used to date hated to eat leftovers. My fridge was filled with tubs of cold chicken, rice, veggies, potatoes, and I was dumping...